Friday 28 August 2015

Your First After-school Drama Assignment

Hi girls,

This week, you have to write a short skit, that has something to do with school or learning. It has to have one picture of you reading the script, the script has to be written on the draft writing paper and has to be published on a Word document. Please include your name on the Word document. All assignments should be sent to Miss Angie at . Please have your assignment published and sent to me by September 5th, and I look forward to reading and grading your assignments.

Now onto the class:

For the next 3 weeks, we are going to be learning about Expressive Skills in Drama. Expressive Skills are:
Well known Drama Masks: Happy
and Sad expressions. 

  • Voices
  • Facial Expression
  • Movement
  • Gesture (Small Movement) 
This week, our focus is on:

Vocal Skills: Vocals skills can include the use of pitch (high or low), pace (fast or slow), projection (loud of soft), tone and diction / articulation (speaking clearly so the actor may be understood by the audience)

At the end of the 3 weeks, you will be given a test about all of the things we have learnt about Expressive Skills, so I suggest you take notes on draft writing paper for when you do the exam, so you are ready and prepared. 

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