Friday 28 August 2015

Your First After-school Dancing Assignment

Hi girls,

This week for your assignment, you have to take a photo of you doing a ballet pose. It can only be one photo, and is to be published on a Word document along with a description of the move you are doing. Please include your name on the Word document. All assignments should be sent to Miss Angie at . Please have your assignment published and sent to me by September 5th, and I look forward to grading your assignments.

Now onto the class:

For the next 4 weeks we are going to be learning how to do ballet. We will be doing various routines and dynamics, so let me explain what we are doing this week. We are going to each week learn about one fundamental of ballet. This week we are doing 'Character to movement':

Sophia Lucia, a young and aspiring
dancer, known for doing 55 pirouettes
in tap shoes, hence being awarded a
Guinness World Record. 
Character to movement:
The character of a ballerina's movement is absolutely critical to the dance form. Ballet students spend hours at the barre, and in classes learning to move fluidly and gracefully. Practicing movement and how to hold each body part down to fingers and toes in order to look delicate when performing intense athletic feats. It's critical that each movement is silent, no noise is essential.

At the end of the 4 weeks, you will be given a test about all of the things we will have learned about ballet, so I suggest you take notes on draft writing paper for when you do the exam, so you are ready and prepared. 

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