Friday 28 August 2015

Your First Writing Assignment

Hi girls,

This week for your assignment you have to write 3 paragraphs about things you love about Wintertime, or Winter in general. It can only contain up to 150 words or less, and is to be done on the draft writing paper and published on Word. Please include your name and title of work in your Word document. All Assignments should be send to me at . Please have your assignment published and sent by the September 5th, and I look forward to reading and grading all your assignments!

Now onto the class:

For the next 2 weeks we are going to be learning on how to write a TEEL paragraph. Confused? Let me explain it to you:

T - Topic Sentence (What is your main point?)
E - Evidence (What is your evidence? It reinforces your idea in your topic sentence)
E - Explanation (Why is your point important?)
L - Link (How does it relate to your actual topic?)

Also girls, you don't have to have a TEEL paragraph structure in your assignment!

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