Saturday 12 December 2015

After-school Craft Class

Hi girls,

This week, you have to make a pencil case, to put your pencils you made last week in. It can only be one photo, and is to be published on a word document along with how you made the pencil case. Please include your name in the Word document. All assignments should be sent to Miss Angie at . Please have your assignment published and sent to me by December 20th, and I look forward to grading your assignments.

Now onto the class:

This week, we are finishing learning about the 4 things to remember when running a craft program, if you want to run one sometime. Here are the last 2 things to remember out of the four!

3. Mistakes and Mess Will Happen, its Crafting! 

Take mistakes and mess in stride, and expect them. We all make mistakes. That’s part of the process of learning. Encourage a cooperative atmosphere where participants can learn from each other and help one another.

4. Not all Crafters Create the Same! 

Be flexible. If an activity starts to be a bore to some members of your group, introduce new techniques that build upon skills that they have already mastered.  Depending on the size and the interests of individual participants, you may want to have materials for alternate projects on hand. For example, if painting with water colors, introduce using salt or saran wrap on them like this mom did at Picklebums.
Next week, you will be given a test about all the things you learned about running a craft program, so I suggest you take notes on draft writing paper for when you do the exam, so you are ready and prepared.

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