Sunday 6 September 2015

Grades For Writing Assignment

Hi girls! 

Today I have your results from the writing assignment, which was last weeks assignment. 


I enjoy winter time because of all of the cuddy, fashionable clothes, the warm food and drinks and the nice times you can enjoy cuddled up with the fire a light and reading a book. Here at my house it is always a really nice temperature because of our wood fire and the insulation. This means that Lucy and I can enjoy reading books, writing in our diaries, doing school work or just relaxing. 

For my other reasons, I enjoy winter because of all the beautiful fashions. I enjoy shopping with Lucy, on Etsy and American Girl. We love buying coats, scarves, gloves, vests and much, much more! I love making outfits and trying on new items. Winter is the perfect time for relaxing with a hot chocolate in front of a fire.

In conclusion, winter is the perfect time for relaxing, baking and shopping!

By Rebecca-Lou Long

Wow Rebecca! This is an amazing piece of work, and really describes why you like Winter. I love how you included bits about what you and Lucy love to do together, and the fashions that you enjoy buying! Although it was only 2 paragraphs and a conclusion sentence, I am giving you an A+ on this assignment!
Winter Wonderland

Paragraph I: Hot Chocolate
As the burning liquid slithers down my throat, it burns a chocolatey taste in me. The sensation of hot liquid rumbling around your tummy feels excellent, but mysterious. I have wondered aloud, shall I ever see the most perfect Hot Chocolate again or a 1st and last see? I hope that one day I shall see one again!

Paragraph II: Snowflakes in America
In my old town, the snowflakes would land delicately on your nose and melt daintily. They would make you feel secure and safe, all huddled in one big lump on your head like a group of elephants! I hope that it will one day snow here in Australia so that I can be re-united again!

Paragraph III: Gingerbread Biscuits 
The smell of tender and raw ginger pronged in my nose as I walk closer to the kitchen door. My heart opens like a door left ajar as I walk inside to see a tray filled with biscuits scattered here and there!

By Kit Kittredge 
Wow Kit! This is really a masterpiece. I love how you described the feeling of the hot chocolate going down your throat and in your tummy, how the snowflakes feel on your nose and how the gingerbread smells when you see the gingerbread biscuits! I love how you had each paragraph one certain topic, so I am giving you an A++ on this assignment! 

By: Grace Eve Smith    Class: Y6 Academy For Dolls

Wintertime Love
I love wintertime because I can snuggle up in warm jumpers and have hot chocolate every day. Winter is perfect because you can stay in your pajamas and relax, hang out with friends and even take wonderful wintertime photos. 
Wintertime is also perfect because you can sit in a corner of your room and read books as you like. My favourite wintertime books are Narnia series, GOTY Grace books and BeForever books. 
Lastly, I love winter because it’s perfect for going skiing in the snow, or even just building a snowman or having a snowball fight. It is also great because really awesome clothes come out that make you warm and snuggly. 

Wow Grace! I love how you described how you feel during winter, and how you really like to photograph wintertime! I love how you also added a list of your favourite books, and even added things about outside! I love how you really summed up winter, so I am giving you an A+ on this assignment!  

Student of the week is… Miss Kit, For outstanding performance in this weeks assignment! 

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