Friday 11 December 2015

Writing Lesson

Hi girls,

This week your assignment is to write 5 paragraphs on your favourite fandom/series, and it must tell me why you like it and how you came by it. It can contain as many words as your like, and is to be done on draft writing paper and published on Word. Please include your name and title of work in your Word document. All assignments should be sent to me at . Please have your assignments published and sent by December 19th, and I look forward to reading and grading your assignments!

Now, onto the class:

This week is our last week on TEEL paragraph writing. Last lesson I explained what TEEL paragraph writing is.

Today you will be taking a test that will be worth some of your grades on this subject. NO CHEATING. Please don't look at the previous lesson for the answers, as you have to take notes yourself. Link to test is here

Also girls, you don't have to have a TEEL paragraph structure in your assignment!

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