Sunday 30 August 2015

Your First Art Assignment

Hi girls,

This week you have to draw a picture of the thing/things you love the most. It is to be done on the draft writing paper and then published on a white sheet of paper, then taken a photo of. Please include your name on the artwork somewhere. All assignments should be sent to Miss Angie at . Please have your assignment published and sent to me by September 6th, and I look forward to grading your assignments.

Now onto the class:

For the next 4 weeks, we will be learning about Leonardo Da Vinci and some of his famous paintings. This week, we will be learning about one of his paintings called 'Mona Lisa'.

Fact File:

Name: Mona Lisa
Date Painted: 1503-1506, maybe even continuing until 1517.
Type: Oil on poplar
Dimensions: 77cm x 53cm (30 in x 21 in)
Location: Musée du Louvre, Paris

Extra Credit Task: Can you find any more information on Mona Lisa? If so, please record it on a draft piece of writing paper, then publish it on a Word document and send it along with the assignment. 

At the end of the 4 weeks, you will be given a test + assignment on all the things you have learned about Leonardo Da Vinci and his artworks, so I suggest you take notes on draft writing paper for when you do the exam, so you are ready and prepared. 

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