Saturday 29 August 2015

Science: Lesson 1 Electricity

Morning Science Students!
In this unit of science we are going to be learning about electricity! In this lesson we will learn about where electricity came from and who made discovered it!

The Ancient Greeks were the first to discover the electrical charge. Electrical charge is static electricity, or electricity that does not move. This discovery happened over 2,600 years ago around 600 BC. The Greeks did not know they had discovered static electricity, but they observed that rubbing fossilized tree resin, or amber, with animal fur made the resin attract dried grass.
Then 2000 year thater in 1600 AD, an English physicist named William Gilbert writes books on the attractive nature of amber and uses the Latin word "electricus" to describe it. Several years later, another Englishman is inspired by Gilbert. Thomas Browne writes many books, and in his books on physics comes up with the word electricity to describe his investigations based Gilbert's work. Among those who studied electricity was Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin's famous experiment in 1752 with the kite, key, and storm simply proved that lightning and tiny electric sparks were the same thing. Franklin understood this fact when a spark jumped from the key on the kite string to his wrist shortly after lightning struck his kite. 

This is a basic history of electricity. Your task for this lesson is to find a list of 10 words that relate to electricity and how they relate to electricity. Please complete this on draft writing paper then publish it on a Word document and send it to This needs to be completed by the  6th of September.

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